WordPress – Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance

When you get an empty page with an error message saying:

"Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute."

Go to the root of your website and delete a file called .maintenance.

Note: it’s a HIDDEN file, so make sure your FTP client shows hidden files too!

Processing.js – Invalid XHR status 404

Error: uncaught exception: Processing.js: Unable to load pjs sketch files: test.pde ==> Invalid XHR status 404

The server doesn’t support .pde files.


  • Rename test.pde to test.js
  • Change the following line in template.html
    <canvas id=”myID” data-processing-sources=”@@sketch@@.pde” width=”@@width@@” height=”@@height@@”>
    <canvas id=”myID” data-processing-sources=”@@sketch@@.js” width=”@@width@@” height=”@@height@@”>
  • Note: you have to rename the .pde file after every export!


Processing – Error building Android for Processing project

Error while building an Android for Processing v2.x project:
“Error from inside the Android tools, check the console.”

Edit the file “C:\adt-bundle-windows-x86-20131030\sdk\tools\ant\build.xml
(Of course adjust the path to where your Android SDK is living… this fix works for Mac OSX too)

<!-- RvG changed to true -->
<property name="dex.disable.merger" value="true" />

If that doesn’t fix the problem have a look here: